We are pleased to offer streaming of Shabbat, holiday, and festival services as well as other special events. To view live broadcasts, click on this button:
If you would like to stream an upcoming life cycle event such as weddings or B’nai Mitzvah, please contact Renee Delafranconi, Executive Director, at ReneeD@TEECleve.org.
Shabbat Nosh
Each Friday at 5:45 pm, join our community for Shabbat Nosh, our wine and cheese pre-reception, in the Marcy Horvitz Atrium to begin our Shabbat experience.
Shabbat Services
At 6:15 pm, Rabbi Matt leads our Shabbat service with warmth, insight, and musicality. Services are in-person and live streamed.
Talkin’ Torah with Rabbi Matt
Every Saturday at 9:30 am (unless otherwise noted) in-person and via Zoom, Talkin’ Torah with Rabbi Matt engages its participants with lively discussion to discover the spiritual meeting of Torah. Coffee provided.
For the Zoom link, please contact Judi Roseman, Administrative Assistant, at JRoseman@TEECleve.org.